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Запрошення на семінар

28 серпня 2017

Видавництво MM Publications, компанія Лінгвіст та Навчально-методичний центр освіти

міста Львова запрошують учителів і викладачів англійської мови взяти участь у
безкоштовному методичному семінарі.
Viktoriia Plishkova (MM Publications ELT Consultant in Ukraine)
Viktoriia has been a teacher and a teacher trainer for several years and she is now working as an ELT consultant for MM Publications. She is currently involved in teacher training and provides seminars for teachers all around Ukraine. Her special sphere of interests is integrating intercultural cooperation and raising awareness with student and English teachers.
MM Publications is an International publishing house that specializes in producing high quality innovative English language educational material. Our commitment to producing stimulating material that meets classroom needs as well as the demands of changing curricula has contributed to our becoming a trusted and respected name on the international ELT (English Language Teaching) market. We currently operate out of offices in London U.K., the US, Greece, Cyprus, Poland and Turkey. We also have agents and representatives in more than 80 countries throughout the world.
Семінар відбудеться: 30.08.2017
За адресою: м. Львів, вул. Замкнена, 8 (актова зала загальноосвітньої школи
І-ІІІ ступенів № 34 ім. М. Шашкевича).
Програма семінару:
  • 9:30 – 10:00    Реєстрація учасників семінару
  • 10:00 – 11:00  ‘Break the ice!’

The session is for secondary school teachers, who want to start the school year in an interesting and effective way. First lesson in September always tends to be a bit tense due to a simple fact that children grow fast and summer is a whole life for them. As a result they come back to school with a new look and state of mind. The most useful tool for starting communication from the very beginning and getting acquainted again is an ice-breaker! During the session we will look through different types of ice-breakers which will perfectly fit into any lesson plan of a secondary school teacher. 


  • 11:00 – 11:30  Перерва. Книжкова виставка.
  • 11:30 – 12:30  ‘Listening is a life skill’
Every day we listen to different things and we seem to automatically know how to listen and what to expect, especially if it is in our native language. However, when learning a foreign language, listening comprehension is far more difficult. In the course of this session we will look into different aspects of dealing with listening comprehension in class and tips on how we can help students develop this skill effectively.
  • 12:30 – 12:45  Підбиття підсумків семінару. Вручення сертифікатів. Розіграш подарунків від видавництва.
Для участі у семінарі необхідно зареєструватись за посиланням.
По закінченні семінару всі учасники отримають сертифікати!